Water and Sewer Billing

In the fall of 2023, the district changed our billing system to American Conversation and Billing (AmCoBi). This upgrade will allow customers to set up and monitor their accounts online, 24/7. 

Please register your account through AmCobi's AquaHawk.
        1. Go to AquaHawk
        2. Select the “Pay Online” or "Payment Portal" link on the home page.
        3. Follow the instructions.

  • AquaHawk's Services
    • Allows you to pay your bill online with an automatic withdrawal from your checking/savings account (ACH) free of charge.
    • Provides online customer access to view current and projected water usage, this will help you to know what to expect on the upcoming water bill as well as detect leaks faster. 
    • For more information about AmCoBi, please click here.

Please only register the homeowners in AquaHawk and AmCoBi. Homeowners need to be able to be contacted in case of an emergency.  

Questions? Contact AmCoBi 

Office Hours: Monday – Friday  from 8:00am - 5:00pm. 

(719) 532-0167 x2

Toll-free: (877) 410-0167 x2

E-mail: ClientCare@AmCoBi.com

If mailing payments, please mail to:

     Buffalo Mountain Metro District

     PO Box 51280

     Colorado Springs CO 80949 

Please note:

  • Write your account number on your check
  • We cannot accept check at the district (in office or by mail). Please only mail them to the above address to ensure you bill is paid promptly. 
Pay Your Bill On Time

Billing and Payment: Water and sewer bills are sent quarterly in the first week and must be paid within 21 days.

Delinquency: Accounts unpaid after 21 days are delinquent, incurring penalties and up to 5% monthly interest.

Collection Costs: Late accounts are responsible for all related legal and collection costs.

Overdue Accounts: After 45 days, accounts are “overdue” and receive a shut-off notice with a hearing opportunity.

Disconnection: If unpaid within 5 days of the notice, water service may be shut off, and any deposit applied to the bill.