Notice of 2025 Regular Call Meetings of The Board of Directors and Designated Posting Place
Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Buffalo Mountain Metropolitan District of the County of Summit, State of Colorado, will hold its regular meetings of the District on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the time and place shown below:
All Meetings will be held at the District Office
106 Adams Avenue, Silverthorne, Colorado at 5:00 p.m.
And by Zoom Video Conference and Zoom Phone Conference
Tuesday, January 21st - Agenda
Tuesday, February 18th - Agenda
Tuesday, March 18th - Agenda
Tuesday, April 15th
Tuesday, May 20th
Tuesday, June 17th
Tuesday, July 15th
Tuesday, August 19th
Tuesday, September 16th
Tuesday, October 21st
Tuesday, November 18th
Tuesday, December 16th
The meetings are open to the public. Any changes to this schedule will be posted at the designated posting place:
Front Door of the District Office
106 Adams Avenue, Silverthorne, CO 80498
Agenda for Regular Call Meetings of the Board
1. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
3. Public Comment
4. Financial Matters
5. Manager & Operations Report
6. Architectural Project Review
7. Administrative & Other Matters
8. New Business
9. Adjournment
By Order of the Board of Directors
Buffalo Mountain Metropolitan District
By: KayDee Johnson – Co-Secretary for the District
Dated the 19th day of November 2024
Public Comment Guidelines
Any citizen may attend a regular or special meeting or any other meeting where a quorum of the Buffalo Mountain Metropolitan Board of Directors will discuss public business.
All such citizens will be asked to sign into the meeting by providing their full name and property address, however, it will not be mandatory.
The Board shall provide a period not to exceed thirty (30) minutes at the beginning of the agenda for citizen comment.
Each speaker may take up to five (5) minutes to make his or her comments. This time constraint may be modified by the Board President to be more than five minutes as necessary. Speakers will be advised when they have one minute remaining.
This is the time for citizens to express their views in order to inform the Board of Directors on issues of their concern. The Board will not engage in dialogue during this comment period but may instead refer specific policy questions to District staff or Counsel for investigation and response at a later date.
No action shall be taken during the comment portion of the meeting on issues raised by the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board.