New Billing System - AmCoBi

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Buffalo Mountain Metro District is upgrading our water/sewer billing system and will be using AmCobi to assist with billing and to provide a online customer portal. This upgrade will allow customers to setup and monitor their account online, 24/7, moving forward. You will also be able to check your realtime and projected water usage.  A letter indicating the change will be mailed on August 29th, 2023  and this is what information it will contain. 

Dear Resident,

Buffalo Mountain Metropolitan District has selected AmCoBi to provide water and sewer billing services

to its residents. Effective October 2023, you will begin to receive your quarterly water and sewer bill

from AmCoBi.

Payment Options:

As of August 25th the district is no longer taking payments. Please register your account through the AmCoBi website:

1. Point your Web browser to:

2. Select the “Pay Online” link on the home page.

3. Follow the instructions.

4. PLEASE use the account number from AmCoBi in the letter sent to you.  NOT YOUR OLD ACCOUNT NUMBER.

Your online account allows you to choose the best payment options for you, check your account balance

and activity, and select to receive your water bill electronically (eBill).

AmCoBi's ePay service allows you to pay your bill online with an automatic withdrawal from your

checking/savings account (ACH) free of charge. You can also use a debit or credit card with a processing

fee of 2.95%, charged by Paymentus, the payment processing provider.

Other Payment Options:

  • Bank Bill Pay – please make sure to update your bank bill pay with your new AmCoBi account number
  • and remittance address to ensure proper delivery.
  • Pay by Phone at 877-410-0167 ext 2
  • Pay by Email or Text by replying to received message from Payment Portal.
  • Pay by Check or Money Order:

payable to Buffalo Mountain Metro District PO Box 51280, Colorado Springs CO 80949

(Please remember to write your account number on your check)

AquaHawk:  COMING SOON! Please have patience while we work on integrating this system.

Simply log into AquaHawk by pointing your browser to:

Once on the site, select the Registration button and follow the instructions to register.

AquaHawk offers several benefits to Buffalo Mountain Metropolitan District customers including:

  • Set monthly threshold values in dollars for water and irrigation usage.
  • Set Daily/Weekly/Monthly usage thresholds and get notified if you are trending to exceed.
  • Provides timely alerts when problems are detected.
  • You can specify how you want to be contacted - text, e-mail, or phone.
  • Easy-to-understand and use, you can access the HELP menu for specific instructions.
  • Provides a “single sign on” to the payment portal with the touch of a button so you do not need
  • to re-enter credentials.

Client Care Team

Our Client Care Team will answer questions or assist with any issues that arise. We are available

Monday - Friday, from 8:00am - 5:00pm. Contact us by phone or e-mail:

     Toll-free: (877) 410-0167 x2


District Management Team

Please contact the District Management Team with any general questions about Buffalo Mountain

Metropolitan District at (970) 513-1300 or

Our goal is to provide excellent customer service and we value feedback and suggestions. Let us know

how we can best assist you.

Kind regards,

The Client Care Team

We apologize for the change and the need for customers to reestablish their billing and financial information but we believe this new system will provide better customer service as you (the customer) will be able to always have access to your account for contact and information changes and you will also have control of viewing your water usage and to also setup automatic alarms and notification for leaks. Customers will again have to set up their account directly through AmCoBi as this is the best process to ensure there will be no possibility for any financial information to be compromised during the transition. The district is always trying to improve our services and we hope you as customers will also see the amount of benefits and additional capabilities that exist with the new system. We very much appreciate your corporation while we improve this critical part of the district’s infrastructure.