Dead Tree Removal


Wildernest is what fire professionals call the wildland-urban interface, it has unique hazards posed by dead and diseased trees that exist in a high-density sub-division. This interface, or “RedZone” is the area where forested public lands border our communities. 

Property owners must maintain defensible fire space and remove dead and diseased trees.

Dead trees affect public safety in many ways, all of which are a concern to BMMD and local Fire Districts, such as:

  • Dead trees are more prone to ignition from an external heat source such as a ground fire, structure fire or lighting strike.
  • Dead trees burn more easily and aggressively with a higher heat release rate.
  • Dead or diseased trees lose their root system which makes them more prone to blow down posing significant risk to life, personal property, vehicles and structures.
  • Dead trees that catch fire cause heavy smoke and limited visibility, which can significantly impact the already problematic ingress/egress in a high-density subdivision such as Wildernest.

Pursuant to BMMD Protective Covenants, Article XV. 1500.02, Landscape Maintenance, all Wildernest property owners shall remove dead, dying, diseased, or insect-infested landscape materials. Failure to comply will result in fines.

Wildfire Mitigation Grant

You may also be eligible for a Summit County Wildfire Mitigation Grant to help off-set the costs of dead tree removal. For more information on the hazardous fuel reduction or grant programs, call Summit County at 970-668-4140 or visit their website.

County Chipping Program

Summit County government is helping residents and property owners by providing free chipping and disposal for branches, logs and small trees. If you clear woody vegetation from around your home and stack it in a slash pile, they will chip it and haul it away at no cost. Find more information here. 

We appreciate your continued cooperation in keeping our Wildernest community safe from wildfire.