Snow Plowing

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Snow Plowing & Winter Maintenance

Snow removal is a top priority for BMMD. Our snow plow staff is dedicated to keeping Wildernest roads clear and safe as possible.

BMMD is required to follow Summit County standards and laws relating to snow removal operations.  County roads are categorized on a priority basis, and the roads with the highest priority are plowed first (Ryan Gulch Rd/bus routes). Side roads are plowed secondary and the pedestrian path is plowed last. Please note: the deeper the snow, the slower we go.

NOTE: County roads utilize the right-of-way area (approximately 15’ from edge of pavement) for road snow storage. Snow plow operations can cause a berm of snow across private driveways which vary in size depending on storm severity. Homeowners and residents are responsible for maintaining their own driveway entrances and parking areas. BMMD will not remove driveway berms, regardless of size.  Be prepared to remove heavy berms during extreme winter storms.

 Residents of Wildernest and all vacation guests must comply with the following Summit County & BMMD winter maintenance laws:

  • Parking in the street, road shoulder, or right-of-way is against the law and all such vehicles will be subject to towing without notice.
  • Do not snow blow, plow or shovel snow from your driveway out onto the road, shoulder, or right-of-way. Snow removed from private property must be stored on your own property at least 10 feet from the paved edge of the road. Inform your private snow removal contractor too!
  • Do not walk in the street! Plows can’t see you in the road.
  • Put your trash and recycling bins out on the morning of your collection day, not the night before and remember to bring your bins back inside the same day. Bins left out are subject to Covenant fines.